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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

aku ingin menjadi baik

"Kehidupan dunia ini (jika dinilaikan dengan kehidupan akhirat) tidak lain hanyalah ibarat hiburan dan permainan, dan sesungguhnya negeri akhirat itu ialah kehidupan yang sebenar-benarnya, sekiranya mereka mengetahui." (Surah al-Ankabut , ayat 64)
Melihat kepada fenomena hari ini, terdapat pelbagai ragam manusia. Ada kehidupan mereka yang tidak berubah-ubah sedari kecil, remaja, dewasa, tua dan sehinggalah ajal datang menjemput. Tetapi ada juga yang berubah mengikut peredaran usia dan waktu serta keinginan hati mereka dalam mencari kebenaran dan arah tuju hidup.
Sememangnya sudah fitrah manusia untuk kembali kepada kebenaran meskipun mereka adalah dari golongan seburuk-buruk dan sejahat-jahat manusia. Mungkin sukar untuk percaya, seorang yang digelar 'setan' itu jauh di sudut hatinya ingin menjadi seorang yang baik.
Keinginan untuk menjadi baik dan akhirnya menemui laluan ke arah kebaikan itulah sebenarnya yang dinamakan hidayah. Dengan kehendak Allah, hati yang telah ditutupi dan diselaputi dengan dosa dan noda, akan ada sedikit lubang kecil yang hanya dimuati laluan cahaya hidayah Allah untuk ditembusi terus ke dalam hati-hati manusia yang terpilih.
Sebagaimana firman Allah dalam surah an-Nur ayat 35 yang bermaksud,
"Allah (memberi) nur (cahaya) langit dan bumi. Umpama cahaya-Nya seperti sebuah lubang di dinding rumah, di dalamnya ada pelita. Pelita itu di dalam gelas. Gelas itu seperti bintang yang berkilauan. Pelita itu dinyalakan dengan minyak pohon yang diberkati iaitu minyak zaitun yang (tumbuh) bukan di timur dan bukan di barat, minyak itu hampir bercahaya dengan sendirinya meskipun tiada disentuh api. Cahaya berdampingan dengan cahaya. Allah menunjuki sesiapa yang dikehendaki-Nya kepada cahaya-Nya itu. Allah menunjukkan beberapa contoh untuk manusia. Allah mengetahui setiap sesuatu."
Tatkala kita merasakan kumpulan dosa terlalu banyak, janganlah kita berputus asa dari rahmat-Nya dan merasakan diri tiada tempat di sisi Allah untuk kembali ke pangkal jalan. Sebaliknya bersyukurlah, dengan terdetiknya sedikit penyesalan itu sebenarnya adalah satu bentuk hidayah Allah yang lahir tanpa kita sedari kecuali bagi mereka yang berfikir akan nikmat yang Allah berikan. Kerana dosa yang kita sedari itulah yang mendekatkan diri dengan Allah dan seterusnya melahirkan rasa kehambaan dalam diri dan mengakui kelemahan sebagai seorang manusia yang perlu bergantung kepada Sang Pencipta.

Berbanding dengan mereka yang berasa diri tidak pernah berbuat dosa dan sentiasa betul dalam kelakuan dan tindakan, ia cukup bahaya kerana tidak sedar diri mereka sudah berada jauh dari Allah. Mereka ini adalah golongan yang sombong dan tidak mengharapkan pertolongan Allah tetapi lebih kepada mengikut kata hati dan berbuat apa sahaja yang mendatang kebaikan dan keseronokan pada diri.
Apa yang terjadi hari ini, kita seringkali menolak seruan-seruan untuk kembali kepada Islam. Pelbagai alasan yang diberikan kerana merasakan diri masih muda dan belum tiba masanya untuk berubah. Alasan yang paling suka diberikan ialah 'belum sampai seru!' alasan tersebut langsung tidak munasabah. Mana mungkin kita mengharapkan sesuatu yang bernilai itu diberi secara percuma tanpa perlu berusaha untuk mendapatkannya!
Seringkali apabila kita diberikan ujian dan didatangkan suatu insiden barulah ia berjaya membuka hati kita untuk berubah. Insiden tersebutlah yang akhirnya mengetuk pintu hati kita untuk bertaubat dan kembali kepada jalan Allah. Kita dikira bernasib baik jika nyawa masih dikandung badan tetapi apa akan terjadi jika kita sudah tidak diberi peluang untuk bernafas dan menebus segala dosa-dosa lalu?
Hidayah datang dalam pelbagai bentuk. Bentuk yang pertama ialah hidayah naluri (keinginan). Hidayah ini adalah sesuatu yang semula jadi ada pada diri kita sejak dilahirkan ke dunia sebagai contoh, bayi yang baru dilahirkan akan menangis apabila lapar. Nalurinya inginkan makanan bagi menghilangkan rasa lapar. Yang kedua ialah hidayah melalui pancaindera. Semasa kecil, kita dapat mengenali dan membezakan sesuatu perkara dengan menggunakan pancaindera seperti mendengar suara ibu dan ayah atau dapat mengenali sesuatu objek. Kemudiannya hidayah dalam bentuk akal fikiran yang mana ia dikurniakan oleh Allah supaya dapat memandu kita berfikir secara rasional sebelum bertindak.
Seterusnya ialah hidayah agama. Hidayah inilah yang menyelamatkan diri kita daripada kesesatan dengan berpegang teguh kepada ajaran Islam dan beriman kepada Allah SWT. Ia dapat mendorong kita melakukan kebaikan dan meninggalkan larangan Allah sekali gus dapat membezakan antara perkara-perkara baik dengan perkara haram.
Yang terakhir ialah hidayah taufik yang mana merupakan tahap hidayah yang tertinggi kurniaan Allah kepada hambanya yang dikasihi. Tinggal sekarang, hidayah itu harus dijaga kerana nilainya tiada tara dan tidak dapat ditukar dengan apa pun. Ia menjaga kehidupan kita di dunia mahupun di akhirat kelak.
Hidayah pula diturunkan dalam dua cara iaitu hidayah pemberian makhluk sama ada dari kalangan para nabi, pendakwah ataupun sesiapa sahaja. Contohnya hidayah yang diturunkan melalui Nabi Muhammad agar membimbing umatnya beriman kepada Allah. Namun, hidayah taufik ini tidak mampu diberikan oleh makhluk tetapi hanya Allah yang berkuasa. Ia tiada pada Nabi Muhammad walaupun baginda adalah seorang Rasul sebagaimana firman Allah dalam surah al-Qashash ayat 56 yang bermaksud,
"Sesungguhnya engkau (ya Muhammad) tidak dapat memberi hidayah/petunjuk kepada orang yang engkau cintai, akan tetapi Allah lah yang memberi hidayah kepada siapa yang Dia kehendaki."
Adapun ciri-ciri orang yang sudah mendapat hidayah, mereka hebat beribadat seperti melakukan solat fardu dan sunat, mengeluarkan zakat dan rukun Islam yang lain, sentiasa memperuntukkan waktu untuk bertasbih dan bertahmid kepada Allah SWT selain mengerjakan keperluannya di dunia. Mereka ini tidak mampu melupakan Allah walau sesaat kerana begitu takut akan pembalasan di hari akhirat nanti. Mereka juga terlalu berhati-hati dalam setiap perlakuan agar tidak ditarik balik hidayah pemberian Allah.
Biarpun hidayah itu adalah pemberian Allah tetapi tidak bermakna kita hanya berpeluk tubuh dan menunggu ia datang kepada kita. Hidayah perlu dicari dan boleh diusahakan jika kita benar-benar inginkannya dengan memohon kepada Allah. InsyaAllah, kita pasti akan diberikan hidayah.
nukilan:i love islam

Monday, March 25, 2013

nafsu bukan tuhan

"Arghh.. bodohnya aku! Kenapa aku ikut nafsu..?"
"Aduh.. aku kalah lagi dengan nafsu.."
"Kenapa aku begini? Teruknya.."
Kerana nafsu diri disalahkan.. begitulah keadaan kita apabila terlanjur melayan kehendak nafsu. Nafsu mengajak, kita melayan. Nafsu memang hebat. Kehendak nafsu walaupun sangat merosakkan tetapi sanggup kita turuti.
Semuanya kerana apa? Kerana nafsu mengajak melakukan sesuatu yang sangat menyeronokkan. Kita suka. Akhirnya, nafsu menjadi musuh yang sangat kita cintai.
Bayangkanlah.. keburukan nafsu seperti banyak makan, banyak tidur, banyak cakap, marah-marah, seronok berhibur, bermegah dengan kecantikan, sombong dengan harta kekayaan, gila pujian, rasuah, melihat aurat orang lain, dan lain-lain adalah sesuatu yang memang menjadi kesukaan manusia. Semuanya 'best-best'.
Allah 'Azza Wa Jalla juga ada menyebutkan..
زُيِّنَ لِلنَّاسِ حُبُّ الشَّهَوَاتِ مِنَ النِّسَاء وَالْبَنِينَ وَالْقَنَاطِيرِ الْمُقَنطَرَةِ مِنَ الذَّهَبِ وَالْفِضَّةِ وَالْخَيْلِ الْمُسَوَّمَةِ وَالأَنْعَامِ وَالْحَرْثِ ذَلِكَ مَتَاعُ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا وَاللّهُ عِندَهُ حُسْنُ الْمَآبِ
Dijadikan terasa indah pada (pandangan) manusia kecintaan kepada apa-apa yang diingini, iaitu: wanita-wanita, anak-anak, harta yang banyak dari jenis emas, perak, kuda pilihan, binatang-binatang ternak dan sawah ladang. Itulah kesenangan hidup di dunia, dan di sisi Allah-lah tempat kembali yang baik (surga)." [3 : 14]
Mahu menentang perkara yang kita suka? Huu.. pasti sukar.
Nafsu yang menyeronokkan itu tetap akan ada dalam diri kita walau di mana jua. Apabila nafsu ditentang, diri kita yang terseksa. Menentang nafsu ibarat menentang diri sendiri. Keperitan dan kesakitannya pasti terasa. Maka ramailah dalam kalangan kita yang tidak menentang nafsu malah rela melayannya kerana tidak mahu diri terseksa.
Lalu apa jadi selepas nafsu dituruti?
Kita rasa menyesal atau rasa terhibur?
Kita kesal? Alhamdulillah.. bersyukurlah sekiranya kekesalan itu wujud dalam diri kita. 'Rasa menyesal' merupakan bukti bahawa kita masih beriman dan kita masih punya harapan.
Biarlah kekesalan itu mendorong diri kita untuk bertaubat, memohon keampunan daripada Allah atas keterlanjuran kita. Jangan ditangguh-tangguh taubat itu kerana pengampunan Allah tersedia buat hamba-hambaNya yang segera memohon ampun.
Sabda Rasulullah SAW;
مَا مِنْ عَبْدٍ يُذْنِبُ ذَنْبًا فَيُحْسِنُ الطُّهُورَ، ثُمَّ يَقُوْمُ فَيُصَلِّي رَكْعَتَيْنِ، ثُمَّ يَسْتَغْفِرُ اللَّـهَ إِلاَّ غَفَرَ اللَّـهُ لَهُ
"Tiada seorang hamba yang melakukan dosa, lalu ia menyempurnakan wuduknya.
Kemudian ia bangun, lalu mendirikan salat dua rakaat, seterusnya memohon keampunan kepada Allah, melainkan Allah mengampunkan baginya."
[Riwayat Abu Daud dan Tirmizi]
Mengadulah pada Allah akan kelemahan kita dalam melawan kerenah nafsu. Selalulah meminta kekuatan dan petunjuk agar diri kita tidak mudah tergoda oleh pujukan dan rayuan nafsu.
"Apa jadi kalau diri kita tidak rasa menyesal lalu terus hanyut dengan nafsu?"
Adush.. ruginya.. rugi besar..
Malang sungguh keadaan insan yang sedemikian. Sudah melakukan dosa namun tiada rasa penyesalan, itu tandanya kita adalah penderhaka. Langsung tidak rasa bersalah terhadap dosa. Sepertimana yang disebutkan oleh Rasulullah SAW;
"Sesungguhnya orang yang derhaka itu melihat dosanya bagaikan lalat yang hinggap dihidungnya."
[Riwayat Bukhari]
Ya, memang benar. Apabila diri kita sanggup menderhaka kepada Allah semata-mata menurut kehendak nafsu, maka dosa akan dianggap sesuatu yang biasa. Lepas buat dosa, dibiarkan diri tanpa taubat. Seolah-olah dosa yang dilakukan itu tidaklah memberi kesan apa-apa melainkan kepuasan yang menyeronokkan.
Arhh.. apa sudah jadi? Adakah diri kita begitu?
Jangan. Jangan bersikap sebegitu wahai diri. Jangan jadikan nafsu sebagai Tuhanmu. Berhentilah menurut kehendak nafsumu. Jangan sampai keseronokan dan kelekaan kita melayan nafsu menyebabkan kita rosak. Mata kita jadi buta, tidak dapat melihat kebenaran. Hati kita jadi keras tidak dapat dilembutkan dengan kebenaran. Lalu kita hidup dalam kesesatan.
أَفَرَأَيْتَ مَنِ اتَّخَذَ إِلَهَهُ هَوَاهُ وَأَضَلَّهُ اللَّهُ عَلَى عِلْمٍ وَخَتَمَ عَلَى سَمْعِهِ وَقَلْبِهِ وَجَعَلَ عَلَى بَصَرِهِ غِشَاوَةً فَمَن يَهْدِيهِ مِن بَعْدِ اللَّهِ أَفَلَا تَذَكَّرُونَ
"Maka pernahkah kamu melihat orang yang menjadikan hawa nafsunya sebagai tuhannya dan Allah membiarkannya sesat dengan sepengetahuan-Nya dan Allah telah mengunci mati pendengaran dan hatinya serta meletakkan tutupan atas penglihatannya? Maka siapakah yang akan memberinya petunjuk sesudah Allah (membiarkannya sesat). Maka mengapa kamu tidak mengambil pelajaran?"[45 : 23]
Jelas sungguh keterangan daripada Allah itu. Maka marilah kita bersama-sama takut kepada Allah 'Azza Wa Jalla dan berusaha menjauhkan diri daripada segala pujuk rayu hawa nafsu. Mudah-mudahan Redha dan Syurga-Nya menjadi milik kita. Hayati janji Allah ini;
وَأَمَّا مَنْ خَافَ مَقَامَ رَبِّهِ وَنَهَى النَّفْسَ عَنِ الْهَوَى فَإِنَّ الْجَنَّةَ هِيَ الْمَأْوَى
"Dan adapun orang-orang yang takut kepada kebesaran Tuhannya dan menahan diri dari keinginan hawa nafsunya, maka sesungguhnya syurgalah tempat tinggalnya."[79 : 40-41]

Sunday, March 24, 2013

find the true way

"O ye who believe, Fear Allah and seek that can deliver (to comply with the Commands and prohibitions) and strive in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden) so that you may be successful." - Al-Maidah: Verse 35

Our bodies comes from the land. It should return to its original proportion to achieve satisfaction.

That's why we eat what grows from the earth, the animals also ate of the fruit.

Plants and fruit all grow from the ground.

When the body is food sourced from the earth's surface, it will be full, relaxed and energized.

Our soul comes from God, breathed into the body.

Then the soul will never have peace as long as it has not come back to God.

To achieve satisfaction spirit / soul / heart, there is no other course but to return to its creator. Then seek the way back.

Not back to the death of the body, but returned to revive the heart. Yes, the parched soul we describe away from God.

Soul that is not filled with the spirit of faith and piety will be filled with the mundane. The fact is that the world will not run out chased.

The more we have a property, the more soul stirring not crazy. Tied material.

The more we have the rank, the higher that we want to pursue and achieve.

The more we have whatever we want, the more we want something more for pleasure.

The reality of our souls suffer, was not satisfied and do not have peace, peace.

Not means we should shut away from the world outside, it is a wrong notion.

Instead, use whatever is available on the world in order to find a way back to God.

Let jasadmu out looking for the grace of God on the earth, but never let your heart soar lost disconnected from dependence on God.

Never separate the world from God, and marginalize God in all of life.

But God does not need us, we are in need of Him.

"Turn ye to your Lord repentant, and surrender unto Him, before the Penalty comes on you: after that ye shall not be helped." - Az-Zumar: 54

God has called and will always answer our call when we find him.

However we are not really determined to return to Him.

Or maybe we often attempt to return, but the world was still more interesting distract us and our hearts.

Then we will not take it back.

We do not want to give up and try to come back again, but God never tired of waiting we call our own but tired to ask and moved his road.

Remember, do not despair of God's Grace:

"Say (O Muhammad):" O my Servants who have transgressed against themselves (by your deeds sins), do not despair of the mercy of Allah, verily Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving , Most Merciful. "- Az-Zumar: Verse 53

O soul who always regretted themselves, in any niche you are in, whether you feel free from the supervision of God?

In any situation you are in, do you feel that God does not know the contents of your heart? Thou arrogance when you go turn your eyes from the Divine.

While he never turned to close the door for you.

Then, O man, returned to the Lord. If you do not find the way, look for ... You do not see because you're not looking.

rich at world,rich at akhirat

How beautiful lives of the rich. Speak only what is desired, almost everything can get. In fact, if moved to anywhere, there just wanted to give first class style hospitality. So when asked to anyone - Shall be destitute or bankrupt? The answer is no!

However, in the many attempts to avoid becoming bankrupt in the world, some of which were forgotten to take precautions so as not to bankrupt the next. That is why there is a passion and enrich themselves with all kinds of ways either 'halal' or 'haram'. But in between there is also tucked a few people who passionately preparing to rich in the afterlife. Just unfortunately, they were destitute of the world.

According to Associate Professor Hj Mohd Nor Mamat, a lecturer at the Center for Islamic Thought & Understanding, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, a Muslim must not only pursue worldly luxuries, but also wealth hereafter. This is based on a verse found in the Qur'an.

Allah Almighty says: "Let the village claim hereafter to (wealth) which Allah has given to you, and do not forget the (fortunately) you from the world, and do good (to others) as Allah has done good to thee, and thou shalt do disaster on earth. Surely Allah loves not those who perpetrate this disaster. " (Al-Qashash: 77)

Further he said, the assessment of the bankrupt in the world is based on the property, while the hereafter is the reward. Therefore, to be wealthy individuals in 'Day' later, the world's wealth should be transformed or converted into reward.

Perform transformation

"We can not only to the pursuit of wealth in the world or just to the hereafter only., We can not become bankrupt in the world, just to be rich in the afterlife. We need both. Reasons the best man is rich in rich world and in the hereafter. In other words, he's rich treasure and rich reward, "he elaborate.

Connect Prof Hj Mohd Nor, wealthy individuals lucky because he can change his world assets to enable him to invest reward in the hereafter. This is different about those who are less fortunate, especially a mendicant. However, those who are to remember - if today he is rich in the world, it is possible he could go bankrupt in the next mound of wisdom failed to use its property in his way. And may be the property will also cause him to delay in heaven.

However, for those who are lacking, despite the opportunity to double the reward of the Hereafter is not a rich man, he was actually lucky. This is because the said Assoc Prof Hj Mohd Nor, less property would cause him less sin in the process of handling the existing property.

It is undeniable that there are many ways to earn reward in the hereafter for the sake of wealth. Incapacitated for the material, of course spend most acceptable form of God can convert it to a reward. However, he stressed, there are several conditions that must be complied with.

"The first one of the things we spend does not include the illegal things. Secondly, the intention must be sincere as God. Thirdly, we have to do it consciously. If mistaken for it, is included in the category are not aware of. So there is no reward. And the fourth did not deny God's instructions to another. if all conditions above, property expenses we will turn to reward hereafter, "he said, adding it was also known as a condition of public worship.

Commenting description of someone who is willing to spend the entire estate to charity, Associate Professor Hj Mohd Nor said it was not the best way to invest in the hereafter. "If we want to get a lot of rewards as share in the Hereafter, nor let us all destitute, can not live in the world ... We have to look at models of the Prophet," he said.

> Commenting further, he cited the story of the time of the Prophet Muhammad. He once said to his companions - who desires a reward in the afterlife with the desire to take their property? So Abu Bakr stood up and said yes. Prophet asked how much? And Abu Bakar said the overall desire to want wealth to the left is the messenger and God.

Hearing the words of Abu Bakr, the Prophet continued to say can not. Then Umar Al-Khattab was standing with the desire to take half of his wealth. This was rejected by him. Instead the Prophet insisted that only one third that can diinfakkan. The rest is for self and family.

Charitable to family

Connect Prof Hj Mohd Nor, further, even if someone is doing something to win a reward for the hereafter, he can not put himself in the world in the abyss of destruction. To put it simply, a Muslim may not intentionally harm himself. In addition, he also criticized some Muslim who consider dole should not be given to the family. Strictly speaking, this is one of misunderstanding should be corrected.

"For charity in Islam actually began from kin first. Meaning if we do not give enough food to our families, but we give alms to others even orphans, that's about one. We have to prioritize your family, then new to the children orphans. aunt If we are poor, we have to first to my mother. Reasons alms to the mother's more important, "tell.

In addition, to increase the share reward in the hereafter, one should also be knowledgeable. This is because with the knowledge he would be wise to make a choice because he knew that the man should be a priority. "Scholars have said, people do things a little knowledge. But the rewards are many reasons she knows which one is a priority. He is wise in identifying investment opportunities."

smile like rasulullah

Not difficult to present our own smile, but that smile made it difficult in the face emerge. Knows where not calm when being in clutter, can still smile to a friend. The smile is a wonderful creation of God, but also is kuntuman beautiful smile that always presented the Prophet Muhammad, the perfect man should emulate the characteristics, behavior and attitude.

There are some interesting things in themselves are rarely expressed he saw many of of his smile. Glance, it may seem small and not significant, but when studied, in fact smile Prophet positive impact that's wonderful. Wisdom, a lot of success in his mission as a Prophet disseminate leaflets monotheism due to his smile and friendliness.

Many Smiling

Because of that, the Prophet can influence people so much that he loved and respected friends, foes alike. Companions of the Prophet's life is a witness to the full with a smile. Among the great friend once told me how beautiful smile Prophet is' Umar. Umar said,

"The Messenger of Allah smiled and he was the most good teeth."
(Hadith narrated by Ibn Hibban)

Another companion of the Prophet, Abdullah bin Al-Harist said,

"Never have I seen someone who smile more than the Prophet."
(Hadith narrated by At-Tirmidhi)

Grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, Caliph Hussein also illustrates how attitudes Prophet which are recorded by Imam At-Tirmidhi, he says,

"I asked my father ('Ali) on the Prophet's manners and ethics of people to hang out with him. My father said: He always smiled, yet humble manners, he was not a rough, do not like calling out, not artisan blemish , not blamer her favorite food. Anyone expecting certainly will not be disappointed, and anyone who meets the invitation will surely always be satisfied. "

Smile To Anyone Only

Prophet even in anger, to display her smile even to people who do not. Matter ever recorded Imam Bukhari mentioned that Saiditina She said:

"There is a man asking for permission to meet with the Prophet. When he saw him from a distance, then he said: He is an evil brother and son in relatives. Yet when people (Uyainah) was already seated, he gave a smile at face and accept the arrival of the good heart. But when he was gone, she said to the Prophet: O Messenger of Allah, when you last saw him from a distance when you said so and so. But then you look cheerful after his forehand and receive coming with kindness. Later the Prophet said: 'A'ishah, when you see me doing is not good? "

Imam al-Hadith Khataby preach when it said, "This Hadith is seen from the manners and knowledge". Prophet's speech about yourself Uyainah an indication that he did not like ghibah explicitly mentioned. Ghibah occur between people of the Muslim part of the rest. However, his behavior is explained and expressing them in the form of advice and love for his people.

Because he was awarded the nature of generosity and good manners, then he saw the radiant face and no difficulties facing people did not like. He acts so that Muslims imitate him, so as to avoid ugliness that can happen to people and they can be safe from evil and intrigue.

Prophet's character is so wonderful, even if one does not like, and he exhibits a smile and a warm welcome Uyainah. As followers who claimed that he is the best man and a prophet and messenger, would not we be ashamed for not follow his act ever presented to the public smile.

Insisted When to

Prosperous those who follow the Prophet act as price priceless smile with money. His firmness can also be seen in the hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari and Muslim on the women of the tribe Makhzumiyah steal. Quraish confused with the matter because they know the punishment the thief according to Islamic law is the cutting off of hands (according to specified conditions).

They ask anyone who dares to see the Prophet's request her release. Usamah recommended meet the Prophet because the Prophet love Usamah. Usamah then go and talk to the Prophet to ask for her defense. Then the Messenger of Allah said:

"So you want to intercede (defense) against one of the commandments of God?"

After saying the verse, the Prophet stood up and addressed:

"O people, those who race your destruction before you is because if a noble person committed theft, they leave. But when they find the weak among them stole, they will pass sentence on him. 'By Allah, if Fatima, daughter of Muhammad steal, I would cut off her hand ".

Therefore, let us make the Prophet's smile and firmness as a guide and at the same time assessing the wisdom of hindsight. Senyumlah, because a smile is never cut living one, even with a smile heart feel calm and always pleasing others. While Insist in need so that no religion was little.